Heather On Hiatus

Sharing my hiatuses to inspire you to make the most of yours

Graceland, Here We Come!

Graceland, a mecca for Elvis fans! A place where we are all connected by our love for the one and only Elvis Presley! We are quite the Elvis fans, we have even renewed our vows by Elvis while my husband was wearing blue suede shoes in a Vegas chapel. A little over the top? Perhaps!

Our main purpose of traveling to Memphis was to experience all that Graceland has to offer. With an Elvis tune in our hearts, we skipped up to the ticket window and bought our tickets to this little piece of heaven on earth!

First stop, getting geared up with an Ipad and headphones that were handed to us while waiting for the shuttle to deliver us to the footsteps of Graceland! I had thought about this for years and was so excited that this was happening. Upon getting off the shuttle, and taking in that first look of the building that Elvis called home, I was thrilled!

Once inside, we were able to explore at our own pace. We each had an Ipad that knew where we were on the property. So the information it gave us matched up with the location of where we were in the house or on the property. The voice that was giving us all the Elvis facts and tidbits we could handle was none other than Uncle Jessie of Full House fame! You read that right folks! After touring all the property (except for the second floor), we were shuttled back so we could experience the other exhibits that Graceland had to offer.

There were many things to see outside of touring his home. There are exhibits of his costumes, stars that have been influenced by Elvis, items that belonged to his family, possessions from his days in the army and one of my favorites- his two airplanes! That was a sight to see! It was neat to see how so many of the items in the planes are in their original state, including a large bed that even had the typical airplane seatbelt! It was incredible to see and even more incredible to imagine the conversations and fun that was had on those very planes!

There are a handful of places to eat at Graceland. They range from snacks to BBQ! I knew that I couldn’t leave there without indulging in a peanut butter and banana sandwich! And it was everything I was hoping it would be!

After 5 hours of taking in all things Elvis, we departed from Graceland. There are different ticket prices that give you different privileges. We chose the Elvis Experience Tour which was $61. I found it to be a great value for all you were able to see. I would compare it to a small Disney World where Elvis was the king instead of Mickey Mouse. There’s also a cute little bar that opened up a couple month ago. They offer a small food menu but a full bar. It’s a large place and it is decorated in a fun way! I enjoyed a sangria while we took a little break and relaxed.

A definite must for this trip was Silky O’Sullivans on Beale Street. You may be wondering why. Here’s three words for you- Beer Drinking Goats! Yep, that’s right! I couldn’t come all the way to Memphis and not catch a glimpse of these adorable goats. So to Beale Street we went. Silky’s is a large restaurant with a lovely outdoor area with live music and you guessed it, THE goats! We had the sweetest waitress who was quick to bring us all a very welcomed glass of ice water. Since I was in the South, I ordered a refreshing sweet tea adult beverage. And I was very pleased with my choice. It wasn’t very busy as we were there in the afternoon. And to say it was hot, would have been an understatement! That sweet waitress also gave us packages of saltine crackers to feed the goats. Even with the live music, the goats could hear the packages being opened and came right over near us. They are kept in a grassy fenced area with a little wooden tower that had a spiraling ramp around it. It was the cutest thing to feed these goats and watch them play!

Silky’s Goats on Beale Street

Now Beale Street… I wasn’t impressed and neither was my family. There are lots of bars and restaurants but at that point we weren’t interested in either. I was hoping for some cute shops and street entertainment. The shops were slightly dirty and run down. Full disclosure though, New Orleans is one of our favorite destinations and we have been there many times so I may be unfairly comparing them.

Next we were on the hunt for dinner! In my pre-trip research, I learned about the Bass Pro Shop there. I know, I know… I’m from Florida which seems to be the capital of Bass Pro Shops. But stay with me, this particular one is in the shape of a pyramid! So I had to check it out. And WOW, there were two restaurants, a bowling alley, a shooting arcade and an observation deck that is 28 stories up! All inside the Bass Pro! I also can’t forget that this Bass Pro has hotel rooms that look like camping cottages. I had wanted to eat at the restaurant on the 28th floor but I made a rookie tourist mistake and didn’t make reservations so that gets moved to the “Next Time in Memphis” list.

Instead, we decided to hunt down some BBQ, Memphis style. Having never been to Memphis before we relied on Trip Advisor and Yelp ratings. After a 30 minute wait, we were seated at Corky’s Ribs and BBQ. And boy was I excited! I had been looking forward to some fried catfish while my husband had visions of BBQ dancing in his head. Now Corky’s catfish didn’t have me doing a happy dance. And at this point, I was starving. You know when you’re so hungry, that anything tastes delicious. Well this was not the case at Corky’s. Unfortunately, it was average food that I could have gotten in the small South Florida town I live in. But that’s okay, tomorrow is another day in Memphis! And the BBQ hunt will continue! After all, I am not a quitter!

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